You have to watch the whole video....Id say hes better than Numa Numa
As some of you may know, playing around with your avatar in the gamer picture screen and normal choose your eatures screen can be a lot of fun...
Anyone have the VIP Demo definitively hit me up sometime...If I ever have some spare time, which i rarely do, ill be on Endwar. I haven't had... I just made this today. My first music video and well first video almost...
More like a Minitage actually. I made this to again test out my editing program which I just got and as a quality test. I'm working on getting the...
Hill of Sighs Created by Scardypoopoo [br] -Supported Gametypes:Slayer, Team Slayer, Multi-flag, Assualt, Territories, One Flag, One Bomb, Neutral...
Ok I did this at a friends house and thought it would be a good time to test out my new editing software so I made this.... Ok maybe you guys...
My Dashboard Theme is currently the I Am Legend theme and my pic is one of those Toxic signs also from I am was free...I change it...
Suicide Corridor Map Suicide Flag Gametype I made this real quick and as kinda of a joke but it's still pretty fun. Its basically a bunch of...
The new IP for Ubisoft that kicks ass. I got this for Christmas and its been taking me away from Halo alot. I just can get over how beautiful the...
The GYM 2.0...Have Fun Map=The GYM 2.0 Gametype=Bruteshot Dodgeball In this game each team will spawn on opposite sides of the map with...
Download The GYM here Download Gametype Here If you ever played Halo 2 then you might've played dodgeball. Dodgeball was a game played on...
I used to watch these videos alot...Some of them are pretty funny....Not terribly funny but their knee slappers. Some of the good ones are on...
Answered Whenever I try to float a teleporter on a crate that is right near another floating teleporter it spazzes out and floats toward the...
I have a question about the modifier that says if you kill someone then that respawns someone on your team even if they are out of lives....But...
Man did this game take me away from Halo 3 for a long time. I think it was the unlockable perks that made me play for so long. I kept going just...
Map Link- Platform 117 Gametype Link- Space Training Best played with 4-10 players This isn't your regular old Gravity Hammer Match. Its so much...