Opus-model 360s begining to flow? Posted Jun 18th 2008 1:30AM by Terrence Stasse Filed under: News [IMG] Thanks to a tipster in our last post,...
OK...about 2 months ago my Xbox decided to die on me, so i called Microsoft customer support and they said they would send me a box like they...
A wile ago i was looking for a free version of photoshop because i am a little low on money. I found it! It is not illegal, because it is...
[img] [img] [img] Reed the full post at bungie here
Longshot is, the first map that I have taken the time to perfect to perfection. Every weapon, spawn point, grenade, and power up has been...
I was thinking earlier and i started to wonder........How many Forge Hubbers have got the dreaded red ring of death, and how many times....
I tried to do a gay perede thing in matchmaking, and it was EPIC FAIL. if you are a kind mod, please delete this. right now it is just a monument...
Bungie Weekly Update 02/01/08 Posted by Frankie at 2/1/2008 5:08 PM PST Rank Amateurs After releasing with a hiccup, instead of a throaty wet...
I was just playing matchmakeing and there is a new playlist!! It is called "basic training". It is a 4 player FFA game played to 25 kills and it...
Hay what’s up. I was playing around in forge last night, when something weird happened. I had a pile of weapons, went to put something on...
Pro gamer gets XBL account stolen for Halo 3 armor 53 Comments by Griffin McElroy Dec 30th 2007 11:30AM Filed under: Hacks, Microsoft Xbox 360,...
All you have to do is post a picture that you think is funnier thhan the one above it. [img] P.S. dosent have to ne Halo/Forge related
[img] [img] EDIT: sory the pics didnt work. i uploaded them from sharpcast.com, and thay worked fine on my computer. if thay still dont work,...
[img] Whats do ya think?
Waz Up 8) Hay i just wondered what you think of this map layout. i downloaded a blueprint from Bungie earleyer and made the layout of the map i...