Okay I haven't been around lately but I need some answer questions before I proceed on my map. First, is there anyway to get around the a)...
Does anyone know how to obtain the spawn locations of Ascension from Halo 2? If not specific locations, perhaps a rudimentary grouping of them?...
I've been forging on Skybox a lot, but I've found something very annoying. whenever I am lining up double walls on the grid to make a floor, i...
Howdy all, it's been quite a looong time. Unfortunately real life has got a solid grip on me, but I dropped by to say that Bungie has given me...
Code Name: URBAN Map: Foundry Gametype supported: All types EXCEPT territories. Gametypes recommended: One-Bomb, Multiflag, Single Flag, Team...
Well, it's certainly been a while since I've posted a map. But the ideas keep coming so I keep forging! I present to you: Reactor Core!...
So i've very nearly completed my next map "Reactor Core" which is an homage to boarding action. However, everyone knows boarding action has a...
Seriously, this is my one HUGE gripe with forge. If you've got a budget, why limit how many walls, or bridges or boxes a player can put? It...
Intersection Created by Lintendo 64 Gametypes supported: Slayer, CTF, King of the Hill Recommended players: 8-14 UPDATE: Video of gameplay can...
for FFA slayer, which do you find to be more enjoyable? I find myself usually creating symmetrical maps, I don't know why but I get more...
BRAND NEW FORGED MAP: Opposing Forces http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15453941 (sorry I do not know how to make the URL nicer)...
Hey all, I'm back with yet another foundry forgery: Pitfall Screens don't do it justice you have to really play it to see how it is. I am unsure...
Hi all, first time posting a map, but I've been forging a long time. Luke Smith and Stinkles of Bungie.net both have told me they thought my map...