not really. Feds Support $1.92 Million RIAA File Sharing Verdict | Threat Level | That just pisses me off.
Throughout history, man (oh...sorry, humans for the feminists) has had thousands of types of government. Some have worked out pretty good, and...
I realize this may sound harsh, and almost evil, but are diseases such a bad thing? I realize losing loved ones is hard, but earth can only...
This show is terrible. First of all, how have they lasted this many years without someone bringing a gun in and shooting up the judges? I'm...
first, alternative mobile web browsers have been released on the app store. Second, a jailbreak for the iPod touch 2G is hinted as being very...
anyone else in Mock Trial?
Do these people have any idea how to make a website whatsoever? The new releases aren't actually new (for example, they have The Dark Knight on...
Since the second generation of the iPod Touch was released, my school has began to crack down on people using the device (along with iPhones) to...
Just got my touch, and I love it! I need some good apps though! Basically, the thread is for app store apps and all that jazz
There is many options out there, and I can't seem to decide. From what I've read, a lot of people have touches around here, so what case does...
A friend of mine is selling his laptop for a new macbook (they have great deals on them at best buy $100-$150 off), as he can't handle windows...
So I've been searching for a new Mac for a little over a month now, and with the new ones released, they are out of my current price range ($1000...
I've been trying out several different browsers, and all of them seem to have different little things that make me want a better one. I'm using a...
I'm new to the firefox scene, and am looking for some good add-ons for it, so, what's everyone's favorite add-on? Currently, I am using stumble....
Well, I thought of what I usually do and then did the opposite. Here's the results: v1 [IMG] v2 [IMG] v3 [IMG] v4 [IMG] I guess you can give CNC.
Does anyone else even still play halo? I've moved on to COD4, GTA, and several other games. It's just boring. I don't even have cold storage...
Well? [IMG] I'm thinkin' bout smudging the render to the left some. edit: or even? [IMG]
[IMG] It seems I haven't lost the touch :] edit: this is a bit better [IMG]
[IMG] cNc pl0x
It just slowed my computer down way too much. It couldn't handle it. I'm back to gimp now. I think I might cry. My computer runs faster but...