I had this idea, thanks to Waterfallninja3, to make a community world where anyone on my xbox live friendlist can join, build a house, have an...
I'm a guy who absolutely loves strategy games. I'm not exactly a hardcore strategy gamer, but I do like a good strategy game from time to time....
[IMG] The Story: After the death of his wife, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man had nothing else to live for. Anger and vengeance was the only thing...
The Hunters are now the hunted! Pacman is shrouded in rage and is on the hunt for the monsters who killed his wife! The infected are the Ghosts...
[IMG] The Story: After the death of his wife, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man had nothing else to live for. Anger and vengeance was the only thing keeping...
Im forging my very first race map. Its a time paradox themed race map, but my inexperience is hindering my progression. I cant seem to make the...
So I've recently finished an Unauthorized Access Investigation a couple days back. When I got my Xbox Live account back, I was also given a new...
Nearly 3 months ago, I posted here on forgerhub a THREAD detailing an awful tragedy I experienced. My Xbox live account for almost 5 years being...
This past Friday my xbox live account was hacked for the first time. I had this account since the original xbox days and i am completely shocked...
Okay, so I have this annoying problem, after that last update I haven't been able to use the XBL marketplace. There isn't any content! There is no...
Okay guys, i'm having a little problem understanding some of the things in Reach's forge mode. Maybe someone here at Forgehub can make an...
Well Flyff is basically a free to play mmorpg PC game developed by a Korean game company. It is a fairly typical party-oriented game where no...
As everyone knows, RPGs come in an array of different catagories. Such as the classic RPG, MMORPG, Action RPG, and the Tactical RPG. Most...
As the title says, What were your favourite original xbox games before the death of the orginal XBL? (Besides Halo 2) My personal favourite was...
Well, I've graduated High School a couple of months ago and I've been job hunting ever since. I never written a resume before and Im not sure...
The GossipGamers.com article reads: "Microsoft had finally pull the plug on ‘Halo 2′ on Xbox Live and gamers had to say their goodbyes on April...
Okay, so I have was playing some Hola 3 ODST (lol) firefight with a friend the other day. He was very determined to get recon armour, and thats...
I think I just came a little after watching the latest Splinter Cell: Conviction teaser video... I loved the Splinter Cell series, ever since it...
[IMG] Summary: Brink is an upcoming first-person shooter being developed by Splash Damage and Publish by Bethesda Softworks set to release in Q4...
[IMG] WET is an action game that combines shooting and swordplay with stylish acrobatics. The main character, Rubi, carries twin pistols and a...