Hello, I recently made my first video featuring a map of mine. Would anyone be interested in telling me what I need to improve on? I am looking...
"Pulp Paintball" by Pulpapple Pulp Paintball is a Reach proxy of Speedball. Traditional aesthetic paradigms may have been broken, but gameplay is...
Hey, I just need a reiteration on how to create a paintball gametype - I learned before, but have forgotten it since. I know the gametype should...
Howdy. I've never built a CnR map before, and I will need some advice - and perhaps some forge assistance from anyone who has built one before....
Hey, so I was just wondering how everyone here recorded their footage? I would of used Bungies rendering system, but that is gone now and I was...
Pulpapple presents... [IMG] Vurghon is the sanctuary of royalty - a city ruled by monarchs. Here, your team will compete against other teams...
After the fluctuating emotions everyone undergoes sometime or another through, I think we can all agree that infection can either consist of your...
I've been here for a few days now, but I figured I should officially introduce myself to the site, so hello everybody! :happy: Just to ask, is...
[IMG] Transmission:..."We have awakened a once concealed evil...*CORRUPTED*......
Well, I was posting this in the "Halo 4 - General Discussion" forum when I noticed how incredibly 'off-topic' it was. So I decided to post it...
Empyrean Station Machinima attributed map Welcome to the courtyard! Here is a map for the enjoyment of any Machinima director, as it was made for...