The map named in my sig has taken on a new shape. What was called "Conquest" has been renamed "The Aztecs." Those interested should check back...
Can you Hear Chief now? [IMG]
Pretty awesome. Too bad Bungie hasn't released it for the little guys, eh?[IMG]
RAID! v.3 Created by: vinco omnia Supported Gametypes: Resident Evil 6 Slayer (hugely unfair and I do not recommend it) Map Description This...
My Fileshare: RAID! v.2 The corrosponding game mode is: Resident Evil 6 "It is the first day since the remaining humans have found this safe...
This map was created by me and hotasflames99. It is meant to go with the game variant Resident Evil 6. This is only v. 1, there are a few changes...