JDM (Japanese Domestic Motors) vs AM (American Muscle) JDM's are mainly tuners such as Hondas (Civics, Hatchbacks), and Acuras(Mainly Intgeras...
Zephyr By oO SLiK Oo & Flair iz NasTy Gametypes: Battle Tracks/Racetracks Story: In th 2500's Wind Turbines were all over the skies reason...
Well heres my newest project im working on. Im going solo on this map and im trying to find a name. I still have a lot to do on it but yea heres...
Okay people, every damn time i look at racetracks on here people always comment saying it needs more aesthetics. Hello! When you make a racetrack...
[IMG] Andromeda By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes: All Battle Tracks Gametypes Discription Hey everyone this is my newest racetrack.I took me around a month...
Surge By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes:Battle Tracks Recomended Players:2-16 players Description: Make a long story short. The Map is about about 34...
[IMG][/URL] Typhoon By oO SLiK Oo Recomended Players:1-16 Gametypes:Best for any Battle Tracks Gametype & Racetracks Note:I worked on this...
Tabularium By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes:2-8 players best for 3v3 on all team gametypers Team Slayer Team Oddball Capture the Flag...
This is my new slayer map, it is not released yet but i worked on it for about 4 months on and off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAUQIuReCl8...
Hey yell is there any tutorial on spawns and respawn areas then the one by on Forge 101, Becuase it is not helping me, ive been working on a...
Wave Ripper Created by oO SLiK Oo Supported Gametypes: Any Battle Tracks Gametype Map Description This is the second version on Atomic Wave...
Aminious Created by oO SLiK Oo 2-8 players FFA ( this is my 1st slayer map posting on Forge Hub and i made 3 slayer map so if you can give me...
If you where in matchmaking,and the other team had a pro and a noob or there team and they both had a shotgun,who would you be scared of? For me...
Chief Drum set [IMG] Look at chief drumming like theres no tomarow.:haha: :lol: What i used: 5 weapon holders: Hi Hat,and Symbol Stands, and 2...
Ive been a member for awhile been never introduced my self.Well im SLiK call me Vic.Im 15.Im Mexican.My hobbies are...
Meltdown 2 MeltDown 2 Created By oO SLiK Oo Supported Gametypes:Battle Tracks & Racetracks Map Description This map took about 35 hours to...
ATOMIC WAVE Created by oO SLiK Oo and Lil help from x DREAM 76 x Supported Gametypes: Best For Battle Tracks Map Description This Map is my...
Serpent's Tail Created by oO SLiK Oo & x DREAM 76 x Gametype is BATTLE TRACKS: The thing in this map was for to try to get a rollercoster...
Was up im SLiK.This is my map Serpent's Tail.This is my best map so far.Um Theres to boxed turns,a powerslide drop,and a huge smooth bank turn.So...