ZINC By Iznel Wehttam HOORAY After many hours sitting around in forge and lobbies spent testing, I'm proud to release my first Halo 4 Map. This...
Dimension Dimension is an indoor, inversely symmetrical map made primarily for small teams CTF (3v3/4v4). Weapon List Health Pack x2 Frag...
Ramble Introduction: Ramble is a symmetrical, indoor map with a box layout. There are two floors all the way around the sides and a varied height...
Console Map Description: Console is a symmetrical, red vs. blue map. Red and Blue bases are parallel to each other, Green is between them and...
Stasis Stasis is my latest forged map. It is also my first Symmetrical, MLG style map ive made. Gametypes include Oddball, King, CTF, and...
Titanium This is my favorite map that i made in forge. It is an indoor, asymmetric slayer map. Made out of mostly blocks. Fun Stuff There is...