So, DICE did this cool thing where they asked the community what they wanted in a map and proceeded to make a couple of maps based of this...
Big fan of sports noticed we don't have a thread to talk about it. I am a fan of the Detroit Tigers, Red Wings, Lions, and Pistons, Michigan...
Well, this will be a thread that will be updated with new walkthroughs from time to time of everything I make in this game. Rework: This is a...
Whats up everybody? Here is generic looking slayer map for everyone. I will leave people to their own devices on what to think of the map, and why...
So, I'm done forging and playing reach for the most part and I have a bunch finished and unfinished maps I am willing to give away because of the...
AIDEN [IMG] Uploaded with Hello, forge hub, I am some random fat guy with a lame gamertag with six capital "I's" in it. I...