I did this in matchmaking the other day and laughed my ass off[media]
Just sharing those old clips that I got on Reach [media]
Halo 4/ Halo Reach Ninja Montage: Shik's Second Ninjatage - YouTube Doesn't have that much views, I just enjoyed putting the clips together....
I want to remake a gametype where the the flood and human spawns are reversed, so the last man standing should be the zombie. Is this still...
I recently bought Turtle Beach Px5s and they are amazing, randomly and rarely but it does happen, I will disconnect from XBL. I'm pretty close to...
I got my scuf a while ago, but I haven't been playing my best since I got it, mainly trying to find a good controller setup to use the paddles...
I use turtle beaches x12s and it just isn't satisfying to me, I considered getting the TB x41s, not the 42s cause they need batteries, which I...
Randomly my turtle beaches have been fuzzing up on me, and to make it work I have to move the cord around and twist the soundbox. I don't want to...
I don't have the best editor or anything until I get my new laptop, but here you go. Some clips are paused for a little on accident, feedback is...
4 Guys and a Pole. - YouTube
Energy sword, you so silly - YouTube Just a fail by me.
I have HD .wmv clips, I drag them in WMM and the sound is unsynced, and the video is slow. That being said, I don't know where I can cut the video...
I don't even know how many clips I got, its less than 100 (pretty sure) .. Mostly ninjas, then some other random clips. I'd want the clips in .rar...
Halo Reach: Perfection on Reflection - YouTube
I ninja all the time, I get like 2 to 3 per game, I try to limit myself. I have over a hundred clips of ninjas, but I play on 5 sensitivity so I...
Just another thread where people can share stuff that they have problems with, I don't know. One thing I need to improve on, is remembering to...
This is an incomplete map TheBerb, and I where forging a while ago but just forgot about it. The whole idea is to have a lot of forerunner-like...
I want to attach my camera, and have a picture of myself as my gamer picture, do you guys know if Xbox will trip over this, or ban you in the case...
Pretty much every game I get a ninja, its addicting and how I play, I play on 5 sens. do you think I could do a reverse ninja, or the sensitivity...