Archon [IMG] Archon is a medium sized roombased asym primary for 2v2s. It revoles around the timing of power weapons and control of the...
Sequoia [IMG] Sequoia is a Small fast paced roombased asym primarily for 2v2s. It revolves heavily on Top control and the fight to secure...
Siren [IMG] Siren is a small vertical roombased map designed primarily for 1v1s. It revolves around juggling map control with power weapon...
Oasis [IMG] Created by WALDO the lemon Oasis, originally named with the place holder "waterway" is a symmetrical arena map that plays KOTH,...
Arena of Death [IMG] Arena of Death is a remake of a Quake map that goes by the same name. It is a symmetrical team slayer map that is best...
Fired Up [IMG] Fired Up is a inverse symmetrical Chill out inspired map. the central double atrium holds a Camo top mid and there are no...
Cataract [IMG] Cataract Is a Co-forge between me, Seven oh Three and Hikarux. It began when Seven and I saw this map that Hikaru had thrown up...