is it possiple to make multiple objects disapear over time ? like making a wall that blocks off an area disappear . its for an infection map i...
[IMG] well one day i was bored flouting around forge world ...and i noticed that , we over look allot places in forge world and we don't take...
um ya i have recently made a Mario kart double dash like map and game type where u drive a mongoose and your teammate is on the back with a...
[IMG] BRIDGE OUT is a map that started out as an idea and turned into a map ,the idea was to some how make a bridge that can explode when when...
[IMG] dead base a map i made as a tribute to the game dead space and all of the crazy scary shizz in it. well the map supports infection and...
ok a few days ago i decided to remake a map i dont think has ever been remade in halo , so i chose the multiplayer map Shooting Range from metriod...
this map is a halo style remake of the map shipment from call of duty 4 . most the heat happens at the top of the map where the sword spawns...