The City is the first map I made in foundry back when the mappack first came out. It also is the first map I made to play three gametypes. The...
Trench Wars, Trench wars is a Paintball Map. It is a small map but can play up to 8v8. if u minus all the stuff in the middle its based off a...
Shipyard, A Ship carrying a large amount of Weapons has takin port in a major city for intensive repairs. They are curiously wondering why the...
S.W.A.T. Bust, S.W.A.T. forces have pinpointed a major armsdealer to this house. In order to stop the gang wars that are tearing there city...
This map i made back during the first week that Halo 3 came out. i never posted it it until my friend told me about this site. Anyway its an...
This is one of the maps i have for paintball in Last Resort its going to be one of the series of paintball maps im going to make (one in each map)...