<taken From IGN> Halo 4 will receive a Game of the Year Edition this October. A source provided IGN with the image below, which outs the new...
I would like to showcase a developing mod, a complete remake of Halo 2, using Halo CE's base engine, as well as utilizing an engine modifying...
[IMG] 1st? So, just an update on me Got accepted to the University of Arizona, and I (finally) got my Eagle Scout Rank! nervous about moving...
Round 4 of My art competitions, where I let you guys decide what you want to see (or draw) from FH's talented artists You may pick from the four...
I find myself Guilty of almost all the things pointed out in this comic ;_; [IMG] Really makes you think about how we rush our lives to get...
The Microsoft-filed Korean listing, spotted by Game Front, names 'Bootcamp' as a PC online action game, with mention of Halo 3 in the...
I made this in about 30 min, mostly because I had no idea where to go with it what do you think? [IMG]
So, not many of you may know this, but the Original Halo CE is still alive, and here is proof of so, I give you Halo 3's beloved Foundry, now...
well, found this: [IMG] This has been confirmed by multiple users at waypoint maybe they aren't shutting down the H2 servers permanently what...
so, here is my SOTW prototype [IMG] not sure what to do from here, but what worries me is the text placement also, how should I go about...
I just don't understand some of the changes they made It's like they sat down, and said "How can we make this an ok game and net as much profit...
[IMG] thoughts?
Just thought I would start a thread encompassing the little things you can do to help yourself in various aspects I'll start -Blood on cloth?,...
made this becuase I thought it would be cool [IMG] someone show me how to make realistic creases! ;A;
On the subject of really obvious propaganda: Iran Jet Photoshop Is So Incredibly Wack (IMAGES) hm... I am sensing a trend
Ok, so moving on the the last few categories before I start the contest I've settled on a vehicle, but of what mode? That's up to you. the...
So, lets try something different Instead of me coming up with the new contest, I will let you guys decide what you would most like to...
well, it's time to pick the winners :D Overall, the entries were great, and I was happy that people stood up to taken what was upon further...
So, I quickly found out that the simple crate-on-top-of-fusion-coil door mechanism no longer works in Halo 4, After some tinkering, here is what I...
So, this map is far from done, but I figured that I would show you what I have so far, and assure you that I am still forging. With that being...