Nat geo map on ridgeline using the blue base and surroundings. My goal is to make it it look like some sort of overgrown old structure. The second...
Arca Halo: Arca anniversary. You might have heard of this map...
Really quickly thrown together. very sloppily forged, but it doesn't matter for now. I'm thinking about how to alter the layout and create a god...
A revamp of the old Arca which I believe was never posted on these forums. Old version by Levvi:...
Frost V1.2 is up. Thread updated. This is a nat geo map on breakpoint made for 1v1s. We started the project last spring when I was still...
A project started a while back. It's in beta stage and I'm still altering the layout, trying to reduce the framerate drops, and trying to improve...
Taurus 2v2/1v1. This map began as an idea of making a Gemini inspired map, without the stupid doors and whitout the stupid teleporters. After...
Time v5 skip the feedback. I don't want it. Enjoy the map as much as you want though.
Dyb. How is this from 2012 and Taurus not? I made this, like, ten years before I was born. Someone's been fiddling with my threads.