Alright so here is my latest map. I have based it off of ideas from my previous map Point but in the end point ended up to be better in every...
Dimensional Map Pack Now I know that usually a map pack is released with three maps included but here are two. These both are submitted to the...
Invasion: Bridge So here is my latest will be my first invasion map posted...tell me what you think! Download link:
This is my VERY FIRST ATTEMPT at doing anything like this so tell me what you think. [IMG]
POINT A simple design but varying high and low points make for a strategic play-out. In some ways jetpack may be the dominating loadout but...
Hey guys, just a quick post. I need help with anything on this map (details, cover, etc.). Do you think this map is good enough to post to the...
[spoiler] Sweet Falcon Hijack - YouTube
Decline Decline is a simple map made for slayer. It is composed of two main levels. Man-cannons are on the side. and there are two 'storage...
Pansophy Overview of Map Pansophy is a small map meant for 1v1 or 2v2. But is compatible with 16 players, 4 teams of 4. I have not yet...
Magnus Pons (Great Bridge) Introduction Magnus Pons means Great Bridge in Latin as my friend came up with the name. Of course I would not...
Altar Overview The map Altar is centered around a middle 'altar.' The 'altar' is surrounded by two bases each guarded by a turret. There is a...
'Round the Island Overview First off this map was created for the Fast and the Forge contest. *'Round the Island does not actually go around...
Naval War Map Overview To start off I will say that Naval War was a very fun map to make and the concept of the game makes it even more fun....
Strataflag No longer on File Share if you want the map message me on FH or XBL. Map Overview Strataflag is a very fun strategy custom game. It...
The Underground Overview of Map The under ground is a map made specifically for infection and safe haven. It is built where the cave/tunnel...
UPRIGHT WEAPONS 4x DMR 1x rocket launcher 1x sniper rifle 7x frag grenade 2x concussion rifle 1x energy sword 1x needle rifle 2x...
The Ruins"The Ruins is a simple slayer map composed of two bases and two side mini-bases. It has teleporters (two way node) linked to the...
[IMG] Solar-Flare is a map made for objective game types it supports most game types. It can hold up to sixteen players but is mainly used for...
[IMG] [IMG] this map is made for specifically big team battles it has two bases which are both different in style but have all the same weapons...
[IMG] [IMG] A smaller map made for specifically slayer but also supports CTF and KOTH. There is a rocket launcher in the middle and snipers on...