Hey guys, I was hoping to get some help with an issue i was having involving Territories objects in forge. I set flag stands as terr_obj and...
Hello again, This map took inspirations from Sword Base. There are many changes in elevation, but primarily 3 levels. Two sides are connected...
Hey, So I fixed up a map that I previously posted under the title "Levee" a while back. Since originally posting it, I have become much better...
Dear Reader, This map was inspired by maps like Guardian, The Cage, and Lockout. Accordingly, you will notice many similarities regarding...
A UNSC station on high alert. 2-8 players. theMcHoobles debut map This map was created by the entity known as theMcHoobles (consisting of...
Grind it out like TK. Generator Defense. The above description is a Pittsburgh reference. You will most likely not get it unless you follow...
All hunters. All the time. Aim for the back. The name pretty much says it all. Player Traits: -Damage Modifier -Extra Melee Damage Love, McHooby
Ancient forerunner structures provide able opportunity to meet your end. 8-16 players. McHooby Map Pack (Part 3/3) This is an...
Be careful; the furnace is still burning. 4-12 players. McHooby Map Pack (Part 2/3) This is a symmetrical map ideal for pwning n0013s. But...
What was once a testement to the powers of man is now nothing but a dried up riverbed. 2-8 players. McHooby Map Pack (Part 1/3) This is an...