Anyone else still play? I've been playing for like 4 years on and off, games so addicting.
I had to totally reinstall Windows 7, formatting my harddrive. I improperly uninstalled Ubuntu, but that's besides the point. I need you guys to...
Most of my friends got bored of Halo a while ago, so is there any fun single player mini game maps? Like puzzle maps but not puzzle maps? haha
Dec 10th, 2007 join date, lmao. I used to post way back then, anyone remember me? I might start posting again. Some people I remember: Insane,...
Usually I'm sitting in study hall doodling and something will come to me so I'll sketch it out and by the end of study hall I have a v1 planned....
It seems like all of my friends are busy tonight so I'm just gonna be staying up all night playing Halo... pretty lame. Add me if you wanna play...
I found an idea in the imagination database that sounds like it would be really fun to both forge and play on, but the only problem is I can't...
Anyone remember me? I remember the wordpress version of this site, way before there were forums or anything. To be honest, I remember the first... Lol.
I've been making videos/ montages/ machinima for AT LEAST a year now, so I'm pretty good at it. I'll make a video of your map if you want, or if...
Vimeo Link It's not my video, so that's the only place it's uploaded, although vimeo is by far the best (although not popular) video uploading...
Team Doubles, Team Slayer, MLG, SWAT, Team Objective, I'm up for any of that. Here's my ranks in everything. Team Doubles - 24 Team Slayer - 27...
I'm bad at Halo, trying to get better. I've found that playing BR arenas and small MLG FFA maps help quite a bit. I have a few good maps, send me...
I'm really starting to like it, and see how much of an advantage it could be when using it. Anyone have any tips on how to use it better, or how...
Someone who's good with racing maps, and knows how to make a working scoring system. Post here, send me a F/R, AIM me, whatever. I'll give you...
When I say religion I'm talking about any theist religion that has widely believed customs, rituals, rules (or guidelines), and stuff like that....
I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!
czBTQuvxn7E This took us like maybe 5 hours or so, but thats because I was retarded and saved over it like 3 times... so we had to do each scene...
qA9GPxaql80&NR Yeah I know it doesn't really have anything to do with Forging or Halo or anything, but we will do Halo and CoD4 and probably...
wiyQaUlmPuI Yeah I made it. Pt 2 is uploading, will post tomorrow probably. It's CoD4 btw. We'll probably do H3 as well.