Hello Forgehub, I know i've been in-active for a while but i've got a new map that i want to share with you all! Genesis v2 Genesis v2 is a map...
Hello forgehub, every night a 8pm UK time i host MLG matchmakinglobbies for 8 people to kill each other in a friendly but competitive way and for...
Hello Major League Gamers, recently i have created a new MLG map and i want to share it with you guys! (How nice of me!) MLG Fusion v1 [IMG]...
Hello Hubbers, today i want to share with you a big team battle map: BTB Regulation - Preview! [IMG] BTB Regulation is a big team battle...
Hello Hubbers, today i want to share with you a big team battle map: BTB Regulation - Preview! [IMG] BTB Regulation is a big team battle map...
Hello hubbers! Today i bring to you my latest competitive map: Simplicity - "A 2v2 map that's simple =]" [IMG] Simplicity is a 2v2 asymmetric...
Pursuit Hello everyone! I have recently joined the forgehub community and want to share one of many halo reach competitive maps: [Pursuit] By...