My Machinima is going to be a series..hopefully. Im looking for actors both body and voice preferably and im also looking for forgers. Im looking...
I just wanted to know what you think : Halo Reach : File Details thanks
Im looking for someone who can build a fortress and a big meeting room please if anyone can help i would really appreciate it thanks josh1129
Anyone get hate messages after a game? I have a few saying im using aim bot or only use noob weapons yes i assume shotgun is a noob weapon even...
We are looking for a group either players or awesome forgers to join a clan named DTS (DestructionThroughSkilll) We will have a monthly map...
I absolutely hate the classified always with these trash talkers oh your clan sucks and such im just really tired of it anyone elseknow what i mean
Im starting a machinima series named desperate measures if you have no experience, we will more than likely except you. the story line im keeping...
Im lookingfor some peopleto helpme forgesome maps and others for a machinima action story but.. im not sure if i posted this in the right spot. If...