WELCOME GENTLEMEN! Welcome to the Large Hugdron Collider Yes, Hugdron Get closer to your friends on a level you never thought possible. a...
OK, so I don't want to post too many pictures too soon because I don't want to spoil the map. Lets just say I'm quite proud of it and I think it...
Crymson Nite's Shop Awesome shirt design I came up with, I'm buying one so I can hopefully wear it on the 14th, wish I would have thought of it...
Most of these maps are done, I just wanted to get some reactions if anyone wants any of these maps i'll put them in my file share, if you want...
I don't know why it happens and I searched and couldn't find it It has happened on all my maps made using a stacked canvas I make the map, i move...
I don't know how to explain it so I can't really search but has anyone made a flash or photoshop thing like the foundry one with all the items so...
Please Rate [IMG] Co-Created by AlcoholicRobot Base Seven is a mini game that uses the infection gametype Humans in mongoose Raiders(Zombies) in...
A bustling docking bay in East Mombasa is about to meet its end through violent uprising. On this map you're either the traitors or the...
For most gametypes infection slayer CTF KOTH Odd ball Piles of dumpsters catwalks and mazes of boxes the test subjects have done well with the...
The rebels have carbines and the storm troopers have plasma rifles (cause stormtroopers always miss alot of shots, lol) The door opens letting...
When push comes to shove, save yourself. I spent 6 hours at least making this map perfect. I have not tested with more than 6 people, so I'd be...
Warship Created by Cryms0n N1t3 with slight help from Carryout killer [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer(suggested Warship slayer gametype) [br] Map...
Srlsy, this would be a great addition to forgehub over head maps with locations of starting territories maps of where the spawn areas are cause i...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEKdZ5hNDE Defence(Yes it's spelled wrong, it makes it original) Protect your base from 2 fronts in an all out...