The new Crimson map pack is out. It has a playlist dedicated to it in halo 4, replacing king of the hill. Thanks to a screw up at microsoft (that...
I'm screwing around in halo reach when i notice in the file browser has a new search bar entitled vorarephila. It doesnt show any pictures or maps...
this is a race map set on headlong/breakneck, i am done forging exept for the race checkpoints which i have no idea how to do. If the map looks...
this is an old but good screenshot from a bonus round of firefight [IMG] my quote for it is: them fighting together would be deadly, that is why...
#1 10-03-2010, 02:37 PM Cranky Old Man Trying to out-Methuselah Methuselah You kids get off his lawn!...
what is the worst gametype/ gametype map combo youve played, for me its btb snipers because Its just snipers with holograms and mongooses with...
there have been many Ideas for a new forgeworld, underwater forge world, city forgeworld, space forgeworld, Ice forgeworld, desert forgeworld and...