Hello, all time for me to post another switch cuz i havent in awhile, but here it is! its a new type of lever that has wiring and a new type of...
well, not sure where to put this so ill stick it here for now, Need help on a switch? no problem, call me up in a game and ill set you up with...
Back in the old ruins of the Spartan training planet, Reach...... an abandoned facility in sector 3, was a training simulation. this simulation...
Get Em! [img] Download here
"Since the conference, there has been a lot of bad feedback. Please keep it here and only here. There is no need to anger our leaders by making a...
DELTA HALO 0103 hours, September 19, 2552, The Pillar of Autumn had crash landed on the surface of the legendary ring....Halo. Different squads...
[IMG] My latest map designed to be a remake of the move, Alien VS Predator. The map is Based in the Temple that was found underground by the...
[img] I use i as mine......
i dunno, i thought it was pretty cool, it was right when the blue room came out and i made my sword come on fire and when i slashed that happened...
Perimeter V2.1 Back in the old ruins of the Spartan training planet, Reach...... an abandoned facility in sector 3, was a training simulation....
Perimeter V2 Back in the old ruins of the Spartan training planet, Reach...... an abandoned facility in sector 3, was a training simulation....
Ok, so this is my new switch, it is basically a last resort, or a secret passage switch that gopher was wondering if it was possible. well it is,...
Crossfire MLG Crossfire is a well balanced, symmetrical map that will work with ALL gametypes and playing styles such as MLG and Normal....
a switch also inspired by THIS video the way it works is when you shoot the grav lift out another spawns and slowly pushes an unseen warthog and...
This map will have you spinning in circles, sweating while clasping your controller, trying to stay under control, you look all around.....you see...
This is one of my favorite maps that i made it a remake of the map pipeline from the game call of duty 4 here is the gametype. it is also a...
this map has a manually opened door and an elevator, it is played best with team slayer (teams of at least 3) and free for-all This map is very...
Ya ok so me and byrneout33 had this idea to make a godzilla map, but we wanted to BE godzilla, so we made this map/gametype This map is played...