Im so out of ideas for Reach forge! I have like 20 maps (unposted) and I just cant focus on a good design. If anybody has any unfinished designs...
What's your prediction of the two teams that will clash in the Stanley Cup? I'm from Boston and I want it to be the Bruins and the Sharks. What...
Hello and welcome all to this fabulous map preview. Nah, I'm just screwing with you, but yeah this is XxGreedYGutsxX new map that I have assisted...
From all of you who have played and completed the Halo 3 campaign can unfortunately remember the ninth level "Cortana". The reason why I bring...
Hey guys, just trying to spread this around, my friend Ck Weirdo is hosting a MLG Tournament for fun ( If we can get off our lazy ass and get...
Now as we all know, Forge World and Forge itself has some very noticeable problems, some even map ruining. But think about this, picture a...
Hey guys quick question, would any of you know if making asymmetrical maps for MLG v4 and MLG v5 settings are viable? And if so, any certain...
[IMG] The names Bond, James Bond.
My new MLG 4 v 4 map. Just finished it today. I have a ton of other maps on the way, so be on the lookout. [IMG] [IMG] Is that Beaver Creek...
Anyone else see the face. I found this on Lone Wolf. The realistic looking eye in the top right, a little ways to left another one? What could...
[IMG][/URL] More of a promotional type pic for my upcoming BTB map, lol I have one of those giant long neck dinosaurs too. Tell me if you want to...
[IMG] Download : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots
What is your preference? Either having a cluster of maps in a Forge Map Pack or not? Why or why not? I have like 20 maps, and I'm debating whether...