Hello Thought I'd share my little montage here; includes some nerdy 360 snipes, super slides, Onyx Overkills, etc. Let me know what you think :)...
I was wondering how object count relates to the framerate of a custom map. I am currently building a small 4v4 map, the object count is 578/650...
In honor of the new Upload Studio app that made the app 10x better, I thought I'd post this. Made it completely in Upload Studio other than the...
I tried making a map kinda like the old "Kill Room" map in Halo 3's Epitaph, except Kill Room was... A room... So I sorta copied that map and...
It's a giant Xbox 360 and Kinect, and a little house beside it. [IMG] The Xbox 360 turns white if you go inside the back of the 360, put the...