I have a small-knit group of friends who play, and just got back from abroad to find this gift which expires in 5 days, and i have no idea who to...
So i'm having a little trouble getting my keyboard connected to my PC so i can move thing's over. Got the drivers fine, and the keyboard is...
For a project, i've got to pick two environments, from a game or film, that i will research, reference and recreate in Maya, texture, and import...
I'm a keen photographer for reference purposes and new discoverer of Photoshop save scripts. I figured it would be nice to share some of the...
Try it out. It will blow your mind. Get the software and hook up an xbox controller and you are sorted. Points to anybody who can work out what...
Okay so, i have had a thought about painting on the walls in my room. I have always pondered on this, but often thought that, my room is too...
[spoiler] I have been fooling around in forge for months, often to no end. But this is something that has progressed consistently along the way....
Dudes, my laptops starting to piss me off, notably in Maya and New Vegas. I already intended to buy a powerful desktop PC for uni in september,...
Due to popular consensus, we believe there should be a place for these kinds of things. Feel free to discuss or ask anything with even loose...
.. And vise-versa; is doing a bad thing for a good reason still bad? Are good and bad in correlation with the motives of the person involved,...
Overwhelmed with nostalgia over the long-gone debate forum, i fancied starting a bit of an old fashioned discussion. I have quite a few things i'd...
I'm only posting this here because i know i wont get any comments on DA, and i wouldn't mind some crit. I know some parts are a bit rushed, but it...
This image is the texture for a crossbow mod i have pulled together for Fallout New Vegas. I have just set up all of the software to have this BMP...
I'm just curious, have you guys had a look at some of the mods that have been or are soon to be released? Or perhaps interested in making any? I...
8-18 seconds. Just that stringed bit, i'm sure it's from a song, i keep thinking it was on Dave Mirra 2 or something similar. Does anyone know...
So after some pretty serious trial and error in a host of locations around Reach, I'm struggling to find a location where the lighting engine...
Yea so, i need to buy some stuff for Uni. I'm pretty open to ideas, but there's a few things that i feel are an absolute must; Bean bag, big...
So i was a bit bored last night and thought i'd try and work up some kind of Star Wars themed map that could work Invasion on Reach. I didn't get...
Just wondering. I'm planning on going to Prague with some friends in like August for a few days, so any recommendations or advice would be much...