GUARDIAN RE-FIT Update: I recently updated this map and re-posted it after fixing a minor structural flaw and added a kill zone under the map....
CONSTRUCT RE-FIT Update: I had accidently set the piece where red team spawns to game specific - true, and it was missing in custom games. I...
THE PIT RE-FIT PLEASE READ: This is a re-fit of a remake of The Pit by dt192. My playing group and I looked at numerous Pit remakes for me to...
SPACE INVADERS - As if the UNSC didn’t have enough local trouble... these guys show up. Here is my latest action scenario map. Mothership,...
SAFE HARBOR- I’m sure it must have been a good feeling after a long and treacherous voyage for a seafaring Captain and crew to be tied up...
BULLET TRAIN - This is my version of a 26th century high-speed rail train. The map also includes the on-loading and off-loading docks as well as...
CREATOR'S NOTE: The hidden WTF factor was a fun idea for this map... for a week. For anyone who was wondering WTF it was, I'm putting in some pics...
CREATOR'S NOTE: The hidden "YIKES" factor was was a fun idea for this map... for a week. And it worked pretty good for those that DLed it. For...
FLAT TOP is an old style type carrier, just a flat top. Saw a carrier on here a while back of the newer angle deck type, real nice job, and just...
JETPACK TOWER pretty much says it all. Nothing complicated or hard to figure out so test your Jetpack skills because it's either fly or die. It's...
CUBE is a square symmetrical map with a 45 degree disorientating twist. Jetpack required, grab one before you go in or set it up before hand....
PYRAMID in a PYRAMID. Jetpack required, so grab one before you go in. Nothing fancy or too complicated here. Just wanted to see if I could build...
WHEEL is a symmetrical l map with a drive train inside. Jetpack required. Grab one before you go in. I built it more for looks than fighting in....
My first entry to Forge Hub. STADIUM and all maps I build are to play FFA Slayer with friends in Forge. We go in with Snipers - DMR's, infinite...