Since I have a cap card I am willing to cap them for you during the whole fileshare blackout. Process Put up to 5 pictures and 1 video per map...
[IMG] By: Black Theorem, corduroyCHUCK, and SargeantSarcasm To my beloved, It has been three months since I saw your face, as beautiful as...
Some of you may have clicked my sig and already seen what this is about. I made a tee (in a very, very short time period) for a minecraft design...
About a year ago I was writing a follow-up to my guide to infection mapmaking, based on my experience forging an infection map for the matchmaking...
I'm submitting my t-shirt design to threadless sometime this week. I've been getting a lot of conflicting feedback from various people that I...
I recently submitted a shirt for critique on Threadless based on an idea I came up with almost four years ago. Some of you have already seen in...
[IMG] [IMG] Acacia Created by Zombievillain Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown Recommended Players: 4 There's a certain thrill that accompanies...
Meant to get this up hours ago, but youtube worked against me in its processing. Oh well. Great game, definitely worth the $1 on XBL. Kinda lax...
I started this comic a while back for a 24-hour comic challenge. Because I can't draw but I have a penchant for graphic arts, I figured stick...
Forgecast #02 - Sharp, Not Witty So I've retroactively named the last Forgecast the first one (since we did do it after Reach released) and this...
I have a time-travel story I've been working on for months (well, thinking about) that I will be sending to the New Yorker sometime next week....
[IMG] [IMG] Rock, Paper, Scissors Created by petetheduck Required Gametype: Rock-Paper-Scissors Recommended Players: 2 Scarcely do I consider...
The movie trailer, and opening title sequence is a much-neglected but respected art form. This is a thread for sharing any that you find...
[IMG] [IMG] NOMINATIONS Because Stevo isn't around: Rules You are allowed 3 nominations. Provide a link to the maps' Forge Hub...
Discussion for the various series that expand upon the slender man mythos. The main one being Marble Hornets. Suggested viewing order. Detailed...
Forgecast #01 - Lost But Found After myriad problems, and a couple of years, we have the next Forgecast. Unfortunately, I was planning on making...
Starting a new commentary series where I choose every third competitive match I play (hence the title, obviously). I think it will better reflect...
What would you do with it. You can be as outlandish as you want (as long as it's a legitimate desire). I'm writing a story that deals with the...
Halo Reach COMPETITIVE MAPS CONQUEST 1v1 - SHOWDOWN FH 1v1 Showdown FH Tiebreaker 1. SlantedCreator: Shock Theta Feature Thread 2....
The first test session I had two weeks ago was fun and seemed helpful to the map creators, so here is the inevitable second edition. The test...