Nuclear 4v4 semi-room-based Halo CE feeling MLG map for Slayer (eventually ball and KOTH amongst other things Nuclear is a simple room based map...
Cascade A 2v2 map for slayer loosely inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house design in Pennsylvania, and incorporates 3 floors along...
Convict: Gametypes: MLG TS MLG CTF (haven't played in long time, not sure which specific one would suit, probably narrows if that still exists...)...
Phoenix Created By S0 Salty and Kon Artist Recommended Players: 8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG Ball V5, MLG TS V5, MLG CTF Ons V5 Tired of the...
Renewal Download Renewal Here Probably (but not definitely) my last Foundry map, renewal is a map that I like to think will leave a lasting...
Anyone got any substantial info on it? Pics gameplay vids? it's basically my favorite soon-to-be game...
Download Pulse here Pulse is an asymmetric four floored map that derives it's inspiration from a wide range of forgeworks, most notably iTs...
Download Delerium Here Delerium is a two base map with two lines of symmetry much like Onslaught. With Delerium, I wanted to try for a different...
Download Cenotaph Here Cenotaph is a hang 'em high inspired asymmetrical two base map. Its recommended gametypes are multiflag CTF (Ons V5) and...
Sewage Lines Created by Camoflaug Recommended Players: 2-4 Players Supported Game types: KOTH, Odd Ball Sewage Lines is a small enclosed...
Xyience - Download Forged by xZonKeD and Iv0rY Snak3 Designed by iTs NeXn Video - Grr embed r brokededed... Background Story: Xyience is a...
Industries Created By: the whyher Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, CTF, Assault, Territories, Juggernaut, Infection, VIP Recommended...
Metro v2 Created By: Paulie Walnuttz Gametypes Supported: One flag, One bomb, Territories, Slayer, Infection Recommended Players: 6 - 8...
What The Title Says! I am looking for a new sig, so I have devised a contest for you guys to design and create my new sig (totally did not steal...
Phylum Created by CR0553D Gametypes Supported: MLG TS, MLG KOTH, MLG Oddball and MLG CTF Recommended Party Size: 4-8 Players Phylum is a MLG...
Vertebraille Created By: Thesilencebroken Gametypes Supported: All Recommended Party Size: 4-8 players Vertebraille is an expertly forged map...
The Ire of Fire Created by Felipe dos and Debo37 [img] Gametypes Supported: Free-For-All slayer Team Slayer One Flag One Bomb Territories...
Forging 101: Ultimate Budget Glitch A budget glitched map is one that allows you to ignore the map budget and enables map makers to include...
MLG Impact Created by Kon Artist Gametypes Supported: MLG FFA, TS, CTF, Koth and Ball Recommended Players: 2-6 Setting a new standard for MLG...
Purple Bunker Created By: Bl00D F1R3 Gametypes Supported: Purple Monsters Recommended Party Size: 8-14 Purple Bunker is a great Mini Game....