just tryin some new stuff in GIMP. came out with this as a result [IMG] also my SOTW entry [IMG] CnC ples ^^
wtf is a gradient map? and how do i do one in GIMP? i've seen people talk about them, and when asking for CnC people suggest i use them. please help!
i just got Red Faction (amazing game, go rent it, at least) its so full of bad-assery that i decided to make a sig. CnC please, thankss :) v1...
of some inspiration! can you guys just dump ideas/stocks/renders/c4d's so i can find something to use? i've had a bit of a block lately, and i...
i was wistfully thinking about a halo MMO today. how cool would it be to take the halo universe online, in RPG form? its just an idea, but i...
here it is [img] made with GIMP leave all comments, good or bad, im just looking to improve
better watch out, better not cry, better not pout im tellin you why. sheen machine will pwnnn you all!
HELP ME!! i cant figure out how to put my custom achievement in my sig!! PLEASE HELP! :(