Many people were annoyed at the lack of an exact blood gulch remake. I am planning an alternate to Hemmorage. A fully remade, exact replica, down...
Hi wonderfull Forgehub community. If you are reading this hen well done, you are now +10 MOA points*. If you aren't reading this then how the hell...
Has anyone played the new firefight and thought, somethings missing. What's missing is that you are no longer an ODST. Long story short I've fixed...
Hey everyone, you might remember my forgevasion challenge. No one posted any entries so I cancelled it. Any way heres my latest dose of creamy...
Welcome to castle, an assymetrical competetive map designed for teams of 4. It features many new tactics immpossible on other, more conventional,...
Hey I'll post pics when I get the time, anyways this map is an infection campaign inspired by Rifte Gifle. It's finished but I want to spice up...
Running alongside my Survival challenge. This one is a test for the elite Forger. Invasion forge is complex but many of the options available are...
I've seen some incredible talent here at forge hub. So I thought I would put this out there. I am challenging you to either: A: Create a Reach...
If you look back at the legacy of not just halo, but all multiplayer games. The best maps are dynamic. Take Last Resort from Halo 3 or Hail from...