Maybe this dosen't fit the Reach discussion, buuuut If you haven't already heard, 343 industries has announced the release of HALO 4 sometime in...
Current map version v2 Do any of you remember the game from Halo 3 where there was one infected at the end of a runway with a rocket launcher...
Now I know this will never happen but if there was to be a second forgeworld, what would you want in it? State your opinion with the following...
We all know that Spartans are geneticly altered super humans that have been given special training and equipment in order to fight off the...
Wow that thumbnail image really jumps out at you dosen't it? (heh funny zombie pun) Anyway... Hello all of forgehub! I’d like to welcome you to my...
The title explains itself. If you could bring back or create a vehicle and put it into Reach, what would it be? Yes we all want something like the...
Im working on an infection series and I want to know if its possible to have weapons be in different places everytime you play on the map, sorta...
Ok, we all know how fun Halo 3 was untill its sucessor Halo: Reach came out. But Bungie left some things behind that were fun and helped make the...
Well Helloooo all of forgehub! after posting this i saw that this map came right above a map called "School" please understand that this map has...
OK, so i've played halo3 and made great forge maps (practicly all infection) which i'll be posting over the break hopefully. and now i've played...