Hello, my old forum friends. I am once again in need of your help as whatever my problem is I have no idea how to stop it from happening. It's so...
YouTube - Halo Reach - Official Carnage Carnival Trailer [HD] Didn't see anyone post this video up yet so I'm just going to leave this here....
Halo Reach is Bungie's last hurrah in the Halo universe, and they aren't saying goodbye without a lovely Limited Edition and one final,...
YouTube- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Panama Canal Gameplay Trailer [HD]YouTube- Battlefield Bad Company 2: Panama Canal Gameplay I'm just putting...
Okay so, As you can probably tell from the thread title I am having some problems with my Internet. How am I on the Internet, right now? I'm not...
COMMANDERMATT1/Crytokid's break the monotony! This TGIF went fairly well, Commander got bored and left early so I continued to host until...
Switchyz Download map Prologue: Now, let me get a few things straight before we get to the map. First, thing I have to say is that this map...
I would first like to start off by saying thank you for letting me host a TGIF party, I had a great time hosting and I hope that I will be able to...
Why hello there. I'm making this because I never made one of these introduction threads. Well I've been here since january 30 but I actually...