Hey all! It's been a while. For Christmas, i'm considering getting an Alienware gaming computer desktop (possibly a laptop?). I love gaming on...
Hey all. How exactly does object shape work? It says that you can change the boundaries on an object, but i'm confused as to what they mean by...
What was the first First-Person Shooter game you have ever played? For me, it was Quake 1. I was 3 years old when i first sat on my dads lap...
Hey all. Who else here play's any instruments? I LOVE playing music (REAL music. Instrumental things. not Justin Beiber, Beyonce, Eminem or...
I'm considering attempting to make a WWI map, so im wondering how i would be able to make a trench?
Hello all! I am wanting to make a "scenery" map of the Normandy Invasion. My main problem is how to simulate jumping out of the plane from a...