I don't know if anyone even cares about Reach anymore, or bothers reading these forums at all, but after a long time of not playing halo I found...
I mean, someone has to keep this alive, amirite? I don't remember the other thing they changed but they added Zombie Ghosts to Infection. Humans...
America needs a national anthem fitting with the country. Post possibilites here. [OFFICIAL] Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga -...
Anyone want to play? Just sne dme a invite and when I need a partner I'll invite you. I want to complete these things: -POA On Legendary for...
And usually, it's the enemy's. Really, even in BTB where there are 7 other people accompaning you, I can as soon as I spawn, go around a corner, I...
So Halo 4 comes out in ~5 months and I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime. I'm prett young, so my allowances are not that...
Mine's warning!-closed-low/excellent and in Infection I've had hundreds of undeserved deaths and armor lock won't work till a split second after...
I just came up with this idea and I thought it was pretty good. It is a cross between Equipment and AA's and instead of just using it and the rest...
Like the title says, explain me this ****: [IMG] Yes, I'm the flash. [IMG] Here I got killed by a pistol shot that was fired from the...
Just a question I decided to throw in. Of course it would depend on how the Map would be, but what is your ''average'' Weapon layout? This is waht...
We all know that people complain about Armor Abilities, I do too cause it strips gameplay down to rock-paper scissors while the intention was to...
I don't know why exactly, but I almost never use Vehicles, how often do you use them? Always, plenty, average, few or almost never(like me)? What...
Please I need help. I have some questions: 1. Can I make people spawn with no Weapons? I've seen people do it with Slayer but is it possible...
Actually, all of this happened in one game. This **** always happens but only this game I decided to take pics. There's no tricks, you see what...
So basically, where can I contact 343i? I've got some ideas for Infection varaints of Maps that haven't seen Infection yet. I have a idea for a...
Well people, here I am, trying for the hundreth time only to probably fail again. But maybe now people will listen. Alright, now people are...
First of all, i'm not crazy. This is a serious Map. Alright, before you view the pictures, I warn you cause it could be too awesome too handle....
[IMG] Yes I'm the red guy. How could you possibly kill someone from that range?
Well, i made this Thread mostly to dump some Screenshots, however, maybe some people would like them, anyways, here they go! Golfing Brutes:...
Can't come up with an idea for a Map/Gametype or do you have an idea and are too lazy to fullfill it? Post it here or grab a Idea! Payload Race:...