Honestly, discussion is great and all, but expecting 343 to add it to the game because one of the interns saw it on a forum is ridiculous. Have...
Well, I think I made something that isnt terrible, but then again I don't have much experience in graphic arts, so here ya go. Its just a little...
Well, I think I might have actually made something mildly cool. The white lines look kinda weird, and I could have fixed them, but I thought it...
TUF's Graphic Art Well, as the title implies, this is my very first piece of graphic art. That is, if you exclude pixel art for minecraft texture...
...I thought "why not?" Anyway I "Strongly hope that I can really grow in to this site, and I hope to get used to the place and meet some nice...
As the title infers, this thread is a battle between the DMR and The Needle Rifle. Which is better? Personally I am in favor of the Needle Rifle...
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you my second map here on Forge Hu.... Wait a second. That intro was not unique at all. Lets try that...
Hello, world of ForgeHub. I proudly introduce a preview to what will be my second map post on this website. It is a competitive map that I will...
This is my first map post on ForgeHub... Hopefully you guys like it. If you don't know what KotH Ball is than visit this thread first: The...