Hello again people. I have a question about cod elite premium. I was thinking about buying it for the new maps but i was wondering if you still...
Hello forgehub people/call of duty fans, I was wondering if any of you know how to get the mw3 exclusive emblems. I know how to get the clan...
Hello people. I noticed recently that every time I play reach I start to get bored right away. So I was hoping somebody on fh would give me an...
Hello people. I just found out about this cool glitch to get the defiant map pack achievements. I don't know how many of you know about this so I...
Prophecy By HEROEZ BLADE117 and grif otaged Map Description This ancient structure was untouched for ages. Now that its presents is known the...
Anchored Hello forgehub. I am back with another battle map. Anchored is a team based symmetrical map that is surrounded by water, hence the name...
HYDRA By HEROEZ BLADE117 Hello forgehub im back with another race. I think you will like this one. Its called Hydra because its over water and...
Hemlock Trail By: HEROEZ BLADE117 Hello people of forgehub. Im here with another race, this time in forgeworld. This map is called Hemlock Trail...
Hello forgehub its me again. Im not very good at setting up minigames so im asking for some help. My new minigame involves racing to see wich team...
Hello forgehub. I need some help with a minigame im trying to make. It works almost the same as Avalanche and Hall of Balls, im pretty sure you...
Canyon River Run Hello forgehub its me again with another awesome map. I hope your ready to race. This map is featured in the noble map pack map...
The Hero Mappack Hello forgehub. I hope your ready to battle because I have a brand new map pack for you. Its called the HERO mappack. This pack...
Hello. I was just wondering if anybody out there knew any ways of getting firefight commendations up faster because i personally think it takes to...
Hello everyone. Ite been a while since i last posted anything or played halo for that matter but im getting back into it and i just created a new...
Hello everybody. I dont know about you but im starting to think bungie is being unfair. I realize they make the game and what not but dont you...
Hero Mx This is my first mx racetrack. I think it turned out pretty good. All of the jumps work and it has a varity of different sized and style...
As you all know the defiant map pack is finally out so i was just wondering what you thought about the maps. I would have to say my favorite is...
You guys are gonna love to here this. There are 107 field mashals in halo reach. If you dont believe me than just take a look for yourself:...
Hey everyone. Im not here to complain i just think that i was scammed out of credits. I am happy about my rank but im just really confused on why...
Hello forgehub world.... Did any of you ever wish that all the armor was unlocked at the beginning of the game and you would just have to get the...