Well after being on an indefinite hiatus, On this and with my band, i decided to return to my roots, but while being a Halo fan for most of my...
I recently stumbled over a very startling picture called Halo:Reach Haunted Helmet. This sexy helmet is legit so no photoshopping involved!...
I decided to start a thread for all the Grifball players! So talk away for all things Grifball But one question If you were a pro grifballer......
Bungie have released lot of tasters for forge world, and confirmed that we cannot depsawn objects but! this is bungie we are talking about here,...
[IMG] MS Paint Owns :P Before i start i want to thank some people, There is Black Theorem, who allowed me to adopt his map and helped with some...
Ive currently adopted a map from Black Theorem and i am requiring help for the gametype The Map is a symmetrical Slayer type map with a lot of...
i stumbled over this video on YouTube and it has some sweet little tricks in it being demonstrated, Such as Vehicle Teleporters FX and in...
Forge World is looking better and better, with little features such as placing loadout cameras. But what's got me wondering is the really sick...
Well this is my debut map and hope you all enjoy it. the maps idea was conceived an idea of a courtyard battle similar to the repetitive Gears...
Hey guys, I'm new to forge hub and seem to see everyone is really friendly! which is good.i started this thread for you guys to point me in the...