Well, Hells bells! I've been away from this lovely community for um.. 3... 5... NO WAIT NO! I've been gone for 8 month! And I finally decided to...
So my friend peanut made a chorus of weapon sounds into a song. Its really epic so i thought "Hmmmm, maybe i should make a thread so more people...
really really sorry guys its said there was an error so i tried reposting several times several places im really really sorry Original...
Has any one decided to use my map Water to make a map as you can go completely under water without a chance of dieing. its not that type of map...
This map was made from my original canvas map water posted in the aesthetics area. This map is an almost symmetrical map where you can go so far...
I have discovered and practiced with a little experiment. I have learned how to get past the first phase of the game. This can be used for...
this is to tell some of you that you can in fact keep the boot screen up and keep moving. WARNING: this is a limited movement. you will only be...
This map was forged by: fluffyroks2 This is another spot outside the map where you can survive but this time it comes with twist. In this area you...
This post is for all those that don't know these glitches. This glitch will make you almost totally invincible, you will only die from: Kill...
This map supports forge mode and nothing else since i had to chose on i messed up a few times. i am posting this as experiments you may not have...
this contest has been canceled due to the part where no one can be happy to just try and get a prize no you all had to make fun of it continually...
this contest was moved to halo reach forging forum to read more go there
this is no longer an idea and the contest for this was canceled due to lack of enthusiasm so there is a new contest visit here for more...
Forge Hub doesn't allow leaked information or links to leaked information.
[IMG][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] <object width="425"...
This map was made by Aom Unknown and me(fluffyroks2). (Not really I decided to give him credit because he was there when we were messing around.)...
This map was made by fluffyroks2 and vVBooGymanVv. All it is, is a giant and hill sort of sloppy but makes it look like more of an ant hill. has...
deleted sorry i thought no one would notice ant hill my nest post was really made by me and vVBoogymanVv DOWNLOAD
Hi there my name is fluffyroks, my gamer tag is fluffyroks2. I love forging i plan on posting some of my more recently made maps and stuff because...