[IMG] Visit the Typing Test on this generic website :D I got 90 with my crappy replacement keyboard; a Logitech K120 buisness keyboard. it's a...
It's about time this game got a thread, so close to release :D Can't say i'm going to buy it straight off, but the soundtrack was just announced...
DAFUQ Really is a new level of insecure, Daily-Mail esque lying and fearmongering level bull. Here is the "old fashioned," "difficult"...
Whilst I know that we have a bit of a stance against modding here, I have noticed that members of a modding website have invented a gametype...
Gameplay 15 minutes of gameplay. All I can say is that looks so unbelievably generic. Instead of showing us a fun, well paced piece of campaign...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hope they get sorted out. Never like to see a company of such talented people go down under. Or any company for that matter.
I really, really hope this isn't just me. On ravine. Or my video making will be somewhat lessened. On other maps it works fine, but doesn't...
I'm downloading mine now. Worth it for saints row alone.
If we could spawn 2 grifballs at once, which seems probable if the multiple objective placements working the same, we could basically have assault...
Possibly, anyway. Flag melee is always set as insta kill. This should override and damage modifiers, even those that put gun damage to 0%....
As the title says, what will you forge first? Slayer, CTF, Puzzle, something that will break Halo 4, a remake of a past map, a remake of one of...
/nerdgasm. link Black Mesa Homepage. There is a countdown. So something is going to happen. My guess is that it will display "Happy 2009" at the...
Seeing as the "Post Your Desktop" thread exists, I thought I would post "Post Your PC Thread." Rules: 1) Macs are pc's 2) No posting your specs....
Sup. I've been hard at work with my side project with my best mate, and I am happy to present to you our daily series for the next few days. It's...
Well, speaking in the lolbox about an hour ago, I decided that I should force myself to create some more regular content for my youtube channel....
I am an absolute novice at building PCs. Never done it. Don't really intend to. Don't know how to flash hardware. ANYWAY :O I'm looking at...
Hope you enjoy this map preview. There is nowhere else to post these things really because halo reach media got taken away. And em... yeh. Just a...
Sopa is back Except its called CISPA.
This is a thread for serious discussion on the existence and modern relevance of certain phrases. I'll start off. Why say "Bob the Builder...
For a first little VLOGish rant style thing (that took WAY too long to edit) would this be a kind of thing worth continuing? ?