Yaay ****ing compressing videos magically removing my commentary! Anyway yeah Imma post this here for now. The next few episodes will all have...
It might actually be real. It was listed on the Steam database about 9 hours ago. Could be real. Steam Community :: Halo 3 Steam Database shows...
Yeaaaahhhhhh anyway. Imma post all the Minecraft videos I make in this thread. Expect probably one a day. Probably. It's all done with a friend of...
Dark Souls 2 Trailer - YouTube I'd be a lot more excited about this one, if From Software hadn't said multiple times before this that when they...
Not sure if anyone's heard of it, but I thought I'd shed some light because they're giving away some cool ****, and it's one of the better ways to...
Holy ****. As a long time Resident Evil fan, I've played every game under the franchise Capcom have released. I thought they went the wrong...
YouTube - ALERT! Bill S.978 Will SHUT DOWN Gaming Videos and Streams EVERYWHERE‏ This has to be the single most ****ing ridiculous thing...
This is something I've been working on in my spare time, and while it isn't complete just yet, and may not be for some time, I think I've made...
While attempting to get a half decent Sabre screenshot for Photo Inc, I ended up with quite a few. While I've chosen myself the one to submit, I'd...
As if we thought different, considering it was hinted at constantly that there was going to be another. BUT, we have finally gotten word that...
Next Mass Effect not to be ME3, but a spin off with Commander Shepard not as the main character. And this Spin Off shall have multiplayer. As...
Which game do you think deserves Game Of The Year? This goes across ALL sites, magazines e.t.c. The nominated games are: Call Of Duty: Black...
Ive played many "Bad" games in my time. Hell, ive played "bad" games that ruled, like Too Human. However, there are some truly horrible games out...
Ive had this in the back of mind for a while now. Do you Plan your maps, or forge blindly eg let one idea flow after another, and let it come...
Alrighty! I finally have something on here. Its my first map on Reach. Its called Waterway, set in the Forgeworld Lagoon. Its called this...