Ello! Just looking for some feedback on these sigs v1 [IMG] v2 [IMG] And heres the original artwork [IMG]
Daten [IMG] Why, hello there! This is Inferi, of course. Here is my second completed Reach map (third overall), made specifically for...
Im doing a project for my Civics class, the assignment is to create some sort of media to protest against the supposed revoking of the first...
[IMG] Struck Harmonious is a symmetrical style map, a project Ive been working on for quite some while. It is my first map in Reach... and...
Map Description Struck Harmonious is a medium-ish sized symmetrical map made for competitive play. Its rather unique layout has origins back to...
Alright then, Ive come up with a way to create a working tractor beam, like those found in sci-fi shows and movies like Star Trek. [IMG] Beam me...