Author: Vantier Raleigh Map Name: Foundry 'V.R' Changes to Version 1.1 1. Replaced certain building blocks with heavy duty crates in order...
Ive just finished a playable version of my duckhunt map but the single hill on the map wont spawn so i can't test it. Things ive tried that...
Im a senior this year. I've never planned on going to college for 3 reasons 1. There is no money saved up that I know of. Im sure there is...
I think it would be cool if just like with the caption contest. Forge Hub would give us custom campaign contest's. They would be setup like...
Rust 72% Created by UEG Vayne (old gamertag was VantierX) Which name should i put? [IMG] NOTICE plz only leave comment's after you have...