The Stormbreaker Always wanted to play infection on a real pirate ship? Look no further. Because of the lack of good pirate ships i thought...
Scarlet Cathedral Hello everyone this is my second halo reach map posted on forgehub! :D This time its a church i made for infection, because...
The Krusty Krab Yo folks v0ltecpr0 is back again with the best reach map i made this far! its a remake of the Krusty Krab! And i think its a...
MLG Living Seed v1.2 Hey fella's ! Heres v0ltecpr0 again with my first halo reach MLG map. Supported by ofcourse all MLG gametypes. Weapon...
Covenant Ship Hello guys this is my next map i'd like to call Cavenant Ship the concept is pretty easy. A huge flying Covenant Ship, which needs...
Manor of Doom well guys this is my map i'd like to call Manor of doom, its a big manor and i think its rlly awesome. I ghostmerged a lot and its...
MLG Coilfang v1 Well guys this is my first MLG map, i made it on foundry because.. well..i dont like sandbox that much for MLG maps ;) (just my...
Sacred Sands Well guys this is a map based on a map i played on standoff (forgot its name) but well standoff wasnt the right map to make it on so...
Bridgetacular You might be familiar with the map blow up the bridge on foundry? well this is the same concept (sorry for not being original) but...
V. of Terror v2 information: K guys some of you might know Villa of Terror? well this is just a version 2 of it. The most important changes i made...
Villa of Terror information: I made a map called House of Terror before, and me and my friends really liked it so i thought why not make a house...
The Krusty Krab! [IMG] Information: Ok well guys, i think you all know the Krusty Krab if not, the krusty krab is from the tv serie of...
ECLYPZ So this is a thread about my map Eclypz, i made it a while ago so it might need some improvements, if u think so just let me know ;P...
Warsong Stadium Well guys , this is just another post for one of my maps, the maps called: Warsgon Stadium. (got the name of WoW ;P) This is...
House of Terror Hey guys, well im voltec, and this is my first Forgehub post, so if i do something wrong or need to add something just lemme...