this isnt a map i was trying to build, it was something i worked on occasionally to kill time. unlike most of my other unplanned projects that...
Lineage was the first project i started working on in reach's forge and a rebuild of a halo 3 map I made. it was meant to be a simple way for me...
download here my latest shot at a room based asymmetrical, a major design goal was to keep it open enough to accommodate reach's long gun...
Reprieve Reprieve is one of several projects i worked on during a recent month or so i spent with an expired live account. It was born out of my...
recommended for oddball, slayer, ffa (and hill if it ever gets patched). for 1v1's to 4v4, though its compatable for just about everything (not...
i want to take a budget glitched map and unglitch it. is there any way to do that, or would i have to completely remake it on an unglitched...
Overthrow Created by Th3 Jim Reaper my first published map :) Supported Gametypes: Reccommended for slayer and team slayer. king of the hill,...