DOWNLOAD Stop the opposing team from activating the Halo Ring. I have not made a gametype for this mp yet but it plays well with any type of...
By machinima YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 73) "Halo Ring" im only posting it because (well u will find out :P)
okay the clans name is V1R4.(it doesnt stand for anything) we play halo 3,ODST,Gears of war 2,COD:MW2,COD 5,COD 4,Borderlands,Halo wars. And when...
Okay first of this isnt a clan and i dont need to join one. Im making a machinama(cant spell it) type thing like the thing that used to be on...
Okay i have made a few sites in my life they are okay.But this one im going to spend more than 10 minutes on ill probably be editing,ect forever...
Im going to be making a map pack and i need some ideas on what kind of maps to put in and names (of maps and map pack) One of my fellow clan...
If the answer is yes it is very simple just subscribe to Reveiws,Features,and More every time a new reveiw/preveiw or whatever is written you will...
My Custom Made Reach Stats!!!!! I was messing around on and decided to make some kind of stats. so i made this [IMG] It has my emblem in the...
Do you keep all your armours ranks and credits from the betaif you buy the game or does it reset them all?
Name:Wedgie Description:High school never ends! [IMG]
its just an armour and a very easy armour to get at please people tell me why does everyone suck up to recon so much.
Sorry i still dont have any screenshots of the map. but ive wrote a little story of what happens in the game Game play Humans:The humans play as...
[IMG] I randomly called the screenshot mr.Photoshopped
Its 1:17 am in the uk and i though reach had a midnight release so i stayed up all night but its still not out what time is it going to be...
I dont care there not meant to be good[IMG] The attack[IMG] Learn to snipe
My clan has had a clan forum up for about a month now but the layout sucked,i have made it more like forge hub put still need to add sections for...
I have very recently got the hang of screenshots.these are my newest and best. Solar (this 1 i though of all on my own(Original)) [IMG]The next...
if you or your clan want to be in my halo 3 ladder check out Ladders so far no members but if you can get more to join it will be more fun and...
well her are the screenshots in my fileshare so far (all mine)[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] ---...
Its me anemonev77 speaking for vira clan today basicly were a clan that dont care about skill or clan battles we just want a mess about were not...