Hello Forgehub Members, welcome to my final Halo: Reach map and racetrack called Cookie's Monsters. This initially was going to be a Cookie...
Hey guys this is CoookkieMonster bringing to you one of my last Halo Reach maps, Checker Board! It is played with the CheckMate (I know that's for...
Hey this is CoookkieMonster. I run a YouTube channel called ProForgeRacing where we have racing tournaments, forge contests, map reviews, forger...
Hello and welcome to Kingdom Come. This is the third of three maps in a map pack I'm releasing called the Paradise Lost Map Pack, which are...
Hello and welcome to Road To Zion. This is the second of three maps in a map pack I'm releasing called the Paradise Lost Map Pack, which are...
Hello and welcome to Paradisal Path. This is the first of three maps in a map pack I'm releasing called the Paradise Lost Map Pack, which are...
Welcome to Summer Slopes, a long double-wide/terrain (hybrid) racetrack with a ski slope theme. It has a lap time of close to two minutes and is...
Welcome to Minas Morgul, my newest racetrack! It is a replica of Minas Morgul from Lord of the Rings. The map took over a month to make and I...
Welcome to my second newest map(s), Comeback and Comeback At Night. They are essentially the same but as you may have guessed one has a few less...
Welcome to my newest racetrack, Xxplosive. It is an extremely fun map that is based around exploding fusion coil traps. There's tons of fusion...
Welcome, welcome, welcome! I present to you my newest and final(unless I choose to finish my SX track) map on Halo Reach. The first version of...
So Zerker Mafia and I became friends the other day, and he showed me some of his maps, including the huge rolling hill he had started on this map....
Hello, and welcome to my newest city map to date, Avenue! It is much better than Boulevard, for it is faster paced, longer, bigger, has more...
Welcome to Lacustrine Lagoon, a very smooth, long, funsky racetrack made by CoookkieMonster and iTz DriFTinG. That's right, xxepicforgerxx, the...
Welcome to the sweet, deliciously tastey map called Danish, by your main meng CoookkieMonster. It's a smooth double-wide track with a few small...
Hello everybody, are you looking for something new? Well then, I've got it, This map is a fairly simple racetrack, with an amazingly creative...
Welcome Forge Hub, to Barren Wasteland! I spit maps out like Lids spits hats out! This is an incredibly smooth racetrack with several smooth...
This is the second, and much better version of my new map Unhinged. It's a long, smooth, and fast paced double wide track with giant rock...
Hello everyone, are you ready for the tour? Here is my new map, Devine. It is an amazing rollercoaster, with a length of nearly 3:00 minutes. It...
Hello everyone, I decided to step outside my racetrack sealed box and make something different for a change. This is my infection map, which...