Cold I: "Have we heard from Bravo Company?" "No, Sir, Bravo Company has gone cold since they've touched down." Cold II: "Theta Company? This is...
Cold II [IMG] Four - Eight Players. Use gametype, "Predator v3." *Note that this map is not a version 2, but a sequal. Link to Cold I "Theta...
Cold [IMG] Four - Eight Players. Use gametype, "Predator v2." "Have we heard from Bravo Company?" "No, Sir, Bravo Company has gone cold since...
Gametypes- CTF, Assault, Slayer, Territories, KoTH, Infection Player Number- 4-8 116778784 I'm keepin' the video...
The year is 2020, and the militaries of all of the major powers are still largely run by oil. However, since the year 2010, an official...
Hi, I recently submitted a map of mine and am eagerly anticipating its introduction to the forgehub community. However, after a period of waiting...
This is an infection map made by me, Mattityahoo, featuring close quarters battles and fast paced action as the humans try to escape the 'zombies'...