My brother is a noob with gimp and needs help. I'm letting him type this and hopefully someone would help out? -Waxy "I would like to select...
I've been playing guitar for a while now, and about 2 years ago I started broadening my musical tastes and listening to some metal bands. Now that...
YouTube - Inception Trailer A Capella Re-Dub It made me lol hard so I posted it here.
I know its old, but it still makes me crack up every time I watch it. YouTube - Tickle Me Elmo on fire
I saw this thread in the halo 3 discussion forum, but thats dead, because Reach is here now. :D So, what sensitivity do you play on? I...
YouTube - Inception Animals Made me lol. Cars 2! :~( YouTube - Cars 2 - Logo Reveal This was probably the pixar film that I disliked the most. What does everyone else think?
Here's the thread. : Halo: Reach Forum : // The Unofficial Flyable-Pelican Thread! *UPDATED - TUTORIAL* YouTube - HowTo:...
My friend and I played a doubles on Countdown, and we did some epic HLG... alas, I don't have bungie pro, and I want it rendered. It 11 minutes...
You guys like it? I personally think it looks kind of scattered around and unorganized... Hopefully its still being...
So take a look at this: Deputies report smelling marijuana and searched [the man]. According to authorities, deputies found a bag of weed and a...
As I was re-reading through the update, I noticed that in the tutorial on how to download Halo reach to your hard drive, in one of the pictures in...
YouTube - Secret: Unlock 4 Hidden Banshees on "The Package" Epic. Gonna do this as soon as I can.
I found this thread on : Halo: Reach Forum : (Spoilers) Secret Collectibles/Killables/Pushables (Spoilers) I find this to...
[IMG] As you can see, there's some white outlining the pumpkin. If someone could remove that for me, it would be greatly appreciated. I tried,...
Setting Up Gametypes for Reach Official Required Forge Objects Guide Originally written by JonnyOThan If you're getting a gametype...
I just realized that I've been taking a latin class, and I haven't even tried to translate Bungie's motto! So, after translating, this is what...
Well, here it is. Its already been figured out. YouTube - [Reach] PanCam Tutorial I'm happy that this is still available. :)
Fail, bungie. This will probably get patched, but anyway.... YouTube - Halo: Reach Achievement Farming
I thought I'd make a topic for for the PAX 2010 Halo Reach panel, for those of you who weren't able to go. If a mod doesn't like this, please...